Thursday, December 1, 2011

2011 was a difficult year. Towards the end of it I felt I needed some therapy. I needed something to do with my hands. I learned to fly far too late in life. I am also fascinated by the Australian deserts, having explored some of them by Four Wheel drive for the last Twenty years and later by the air in a Cessna.

In idle web searches of "outback" Australian travel, I came across images of a little Two seat aircraft parked comfortably for the night on the edge of a clay pan, far from roads and civilisation, there was a small tent beside it, and a cooking fire. I fell in love with that ideal. That aircraft was a Zenith CH701 - a STOL aircraft that is used all over the world - the Sky Jeep.

I found that Zenith had produced a bigger aircraft the CH750 and after a flight in the first in Australia with Allan Barton, the agent, I ordered the kit.

Details of the aircraft here: